August 2022 Hey ho, let's go Lucky ducky The normal one It's a Hygge duck, because today it's about family and friends So it's freeday Building a solid base on agile working Diving into agile Back to work Swimming duck- Keeping head over water Open, overwhelming and ohmmmm Family ducky Going agile Today agile meets coaching. So it's more about pulling than pushing Doing #legoseriousplay with little ducky very successfully. worked out wonderful Virpi Söyrinki Well, it's monday Keep calm and keep going Don't believe everything you are thinking Thinking ducky Looooonging for the weekend Reloading battery Being open, transparent and humble for coaching today Friday on my mind One step at a time Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls (Joseph Campbell) Keep on moiving Final spurt to the weekend Let's try on new perspectives So it's our final day of the systemic master and coach training, testing day or as they call it "days of opportunity" (nice reframing) Consolidating ducky It's all about balance today Light, listening and leaning in