April 2022 But of course, Ducky has a solo performance today, too Weekend duck is on the run, lots of things to do Keep going, says motivational duck New week, new duck Thumbs up from the daily duck (I know, ducks don't have thumbs, that's why thay use their feet) Quick duck. Ducky is on the run The fast and the curious. Ducky still on the run Aspirational duck. Aka entelligent duck (my daughter's quote) Resting and thankful ducky. A week full of work behind and weeks full of new adventures ahead. Aware of how lucky we arte to live in this country Still in weekend mode, waiting for spring temperatures And up we go Today ducky is in presentation mode. Unfortunately not about LSP Ok, that's an easy one. But sometimes you need "easy" Birthday duck (happy birthday, Mum) Duck family. We've build ducks yesterday at my mother's birthday.Wonderful to meet again Speedy duck Ducky cosplaying as easter bunny Rockabilly duck Just a Dienstags duck Same same, but different Ducky making a step (2. important SGP) Spreading wings Travelling ducky, on the way to Vienna. Unfortunately I've forgot the blue brick. But in my heart I still #standwithukraine Here we go (aka fly). DTD (daily travelling duck) Duck resting in Ariane favourite Vienna Café (Kurkonditorei Oberlaa) before running for peace tomorrow Ducky is ready, so am I. Let's go Oliver Hecker and Sabine Hecker Finisher. Ducky and I are exhausted but happy. My smiling muscles are almost more aching than my legs. Almost Proud ducky, enjoying breakfast and being in vienna Duck with blue brick Duck is up for a big presentation Trying to rest a little today Thumbs up, Michaela Mayer. Have fun. Dancing ducky. Watching #getonstage today